

How to Create Viral YouTube Marketing Videos?

Mahum Khalid

  • Oct 16, 2019

YouTube Marketing videos are everyone’s favorite. It doesn’t matter if it’s a person 4 years old or 40 years old. Everyone finds something that interests them in one way or the other. You are bored and you want to watch a video, an assignment that needs clarification, a missed episode of your serial, cartoon, and rhymes for your kid, you name it and you can find it on YouTube. From business to entertainment, it is everyone’s best friend.

Social media these days is all about videos. Brands are inclined to promote their products on YouTube, primarily because the audience is responding too well to it. Consequently, making a good video is an asset to your marketing. While no Digital marketer can guarantee a viral video, there are still things you can do to make your video close to viral. There is no surety but there are definite ways to increase the chances, of making YouTube a success. Let’s look at some tips and tricks to help you achieve your goal.

YouTube Marketing Videos have specifications

Every application has its specifications. There are ways to put your content on certain apps to make it more recognized. Lucky for you, YouTube offers a range of specifications to make your life easier. You can choose from the recommended sizes according to your specific needs. However, the maximum size of the video is 128 GB and the maximum length you are allowed is 12 hours. YouTube likes it when you value its specs, so be careful and remain in its good grace.

Adequate recording equipment is Important

People are not wrong when they say, quality over quantity. YouTube seems to take this saying very seriously. So good equipment leads to a good video and a good video makes your video worth coming back to. If you are putting in so much effort in coming up with authentic content, then investing a bit in some good microphones is a great idea. Think about it. HD videos are what will get you more views.

YouTube Marketing

Be an attention seeker from the start

Any good social media company will tell you the same thing, the first 15 seconds is where the viewer decides whether he wants to watch the video or ignore it and move on. So you want to keep a couple of things in mind while developing your content. Firstly, a teaser is a good way to start a video with. Secondly, you can prompt engagement with a question. Moreover, you can set expectations by opening with a summary. This might be tricky because when you open with a boom, you are convincing the audience that your video is worth their time. And if after the start of your video isn’t delivering what it promised, the bounce back is more damaging.

Mobile is important

When the entire world seems to be on the run for the day, it’s not shocking that half of YouTube marketing videos are watched on mobile devices. You might want to concentrate on recording videos that are optimized for this format. A way to go about it is that you make videos that can be helpful with and without sounds. Considering, 85% of the time a video is preferred to be watched without sounds. To make the video more liked, you can start by adding subtitles to accommodate the non-listening mode.

To optimize your video on mobile, try creating shorter YouTube Marketing videos and content that can be enjoyed on the go. Rather than content that needs your viewer’s undivided attention.

Longer Videos can do it

Confused because shorter videos were encouraged in the last paragraph? That was the mobile optimization we were talking about. But generally speaking, it’s a basic phenomenon when it comes to SEO. A longer video means a longer watch time. Basically, YouTube SEO flourishes when your video is watched for a longer time. That in no way means that the content can be compromised at any point. Boring videos are a sure-shot bounce back.

Live-streaming is the way to go

Subscribers feel loved when you interact with them. A pro way to do it is through YouTube Marketing Live. Announce your event some days before the event so people can clear their schedule if they want to be a part of it when you talk to them. Live streaming can also be utilized if you want to gather feedback from your customers. This feature is too cool and you can make the best of it if you are smart about it.

End screens are a must addition

If expanding your viewership is what you are looking for, adding an end screen is a good idea. CTAs are best used to visit other playlists on your YouTube marketing channel, subscribe, and also direct your audience to your website. This is a multi-purpose extension giving you traffic on the website and also improves your SEO side by side.

YouTube marketing is no science, just some tweaking with the content gets you started and helps your video go viral on social media. You don’t have to be an expert on everything and if it’s getting too much to deal with, just consider the reputable Social Media Agencies to help you.







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